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Corporate social responsibility: from strategy to action

Our ESG policy

As of 2016, SIGMA Partners has implemented an ESG policy and joined the UN Global Compact. We want to combine positive social impact and growth by aligning the firm's strategy with a mission that gives meaning to its very existence.

This is not just about having a positive impact on the world through good deeds or philanthropy, but about working through our expertise and skills. Corporate responsibility in all its dimensions - economic, social, societal and environmental - is an integral part of who we are, what we do and why we do it.

This is the backdrop of the new corporate responsibility as we conceive it, and within this framework our firm conducts its development with respect for fundamental human and social rights and respect for the environment wherever it operates.

Our solidarity actions

We encourage our employees to invest in solidarity projects and actions. These can take a variety of forms, ranging from one-off actions (collections, donations of luncheon vouchers, etc.) to long-term volunteer missions.

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SIGMA PARTNERS alongside associations

The firm is notably a partner of 3 associations with which we work on a daily basis

Imagine for Margo

Imagine for Margo is an association that carries out various actions to finance research against childhood cancer.

SIGMA Partners is a sponsor of the annual Children Without Cancer race held in the Parc de Saint Cloud and participates in concerts organized for the benefit of the association.

Why this cause?

Because 2,500 children and teenagers are diagnosed with cancer every year in France.

Because cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children in France and Europe.

Because there are 60 types of cancer in children and research needs dedicated funds to find ways to cure these little patients because pediatric cancers are considered rare diseases by industry and very few cancer-specific drugs are developed.

Photo scène

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The Vendredi platform connects companies and associations, it offers in particular social and environmental actions within the framework of skills sponsorship.

On a voluntary basis, our consultants carry out solidarity missions of various types and durations during and, if they wish, outside their working hours.


Duo for a job

DUO FOR A JOB is an association that puts young people of diversity and refugees in contact with experienced people in order to support them in their search for employment.

Being a volunteer mentor is a concrete commitment to a societal project that makes sense! Once paired up, the young person and his or her mentor meet regularly for 6 months in order to promote integration through employment.